Our Services


The Tostevin Accountancy accounting department provides, but is not limited to, the following services: Bookkeeping Services - Monthly, Quarterly, or Annually. Financial Statements - Compiled or Reviewed Payroll Processing including Computer Paycheck and Return Preparation Computer Accounting Setup and Training Corporate and...

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Business & Individual
Tax Services

Our Tax Department, headed by Kathy Kobata, provides a complete spectrum of Business and Individual Tax Services: Tax Planning and Consultation Tax Preparation for: Individuals C-corporations S-corporations General and limited partnerships LLC's and LLP's Non-profits Retirement Plans IRS/State Tax Audit...

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Estate & Trust Accounting, Planning & Tax Preparation

Fiduciary Department Tostevin Accountancy Corporation offers a wide range of services in our fiduciary department. This is an area in which we specialize. We have in-depth knowledge and experience in the areas of: Estate and Gift Tax Return Preparation Estate Planning Fiduciary Income Tax Return Preparation Court Accountings for...

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